Building Access for Tenants, Visitors & Vendors/Contractors
Watt Plaza is considered an “open” building Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:59 p.m. The term “open” in this case refers to our security policy that allows tenants & visitors to gain access to the building, building elevators, and unsecured floors without checking-in with Building Security. This policy does not apply to vendors; all vendors need to check-in with Building Security. Please see the “After-Hours” periods for building entrances, elevators, and suite access below:
“After-Hours” Periods for Building Elevators and Entrances
During these time periods, all building entrances are locked and secured. Building Access Cards are required to access building entrances and building floors via elevator.
- Mondays through Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. - 5:59 a.m. the following morning.
- Fridays: After 7:00 p.m.
- Saturdays & Sundays: All Day
- Building Observed Holidays: All Day
Building Entrances & Exits
a. 1875 Lobby (Main) Entry & Exit Doors
b. 1925 Center Lobby
c. 1925 Lobby
“After-Hours” Period for Suite Access
If you require assistance with suite access and do not have your suite key during the following time periods, a fee may be assessed:
- Mondays through Thursdays: 6:00 p.m. - 5:59 a.m. the following morning.
- Fridays: After 6:00 p.m.
- Saturdays & Sundays: All Day
- Building Observed Holidays: All Day
Building Security is unable to provide after-hours suite access to tenants. Building Security is not provided with key access to tenant suites. Building Engineers, if available, may be able to provide locksmith services at the industry standard fee listed below:
After-Hours Engineer Rates
Monday - Saturday Engineer Rate: | $429.84 (minimum of 4 hours at $107.46 per hour) |
Sunday Engineer Rate: | $560.72 (minimum of 4 hours at $140.18 per hour) |
Holiday Engineer Rate: | $691.64 (minimum of 4 hours at $172.91 per hour) |
Tenant will ultimately be responsible for all costs associated with any services provided, including building engineer’s time and materials. The associated fees must be approved by a Daily, Executive, or Emergency Contact prior to receipt of services. Building Security will furnish an “After-Hours Suite Access Approval” form for completion and signature.
Tenant “After-Hours” Access
- Tenant contacts should maintain current “Tenant Information Sheets” with the Building Management Office in order to avoid delays or possible denial of after-hours building access.
- Tenant’s requesting access to the building during the “after-hours” period must be listed on the “Employee Access Authorization List".
- Building Security will refer to the “Employee Access Authorization List” should the Tenant not have a Building Access Card.
- If the employee is not listed on the “Employee Access Authorization List” and the employee has not been granted authorized after-hours suite access in writing prior to the floor access request, Building Security will process the employee as a visitor (valid photo ID is required) and attempt to obtain authorization by calling the Authorized Suite Contact.
- Building Security will require an authorized Tenant representative possessing a valid access card and identification to come to the Security Desk, sign for the employee and escort the guest to the suite.
- Tenant will be fully responsible for the employee/visitor.
- Access will be denied if Building Security is unable to reach the Tenant Contact by telephone to obtain approval.
Submitting Access Requests
All access requests need to be submitted to the Building Management Office via the Angus Work Order System. All requests must be received at least (1) Full Business Day in advance of the requested access date. Weekend/Holiday access requests must be received by no later than (2) Full Business Days prior to the requested access date for proper processing. Please include the following information in your written request:
- Full Vendor/Contractor Name or Full Visitors Name
- Vendor/Contractor Contact Name & Phone No. (Vendor/Contractor only)
- Areas of Access
- Description of Work (Vendor/Contractor only)
- First day and time of access & Last day and time of access
Vendor/Contractor “After-Hours” Access
How do I process an access request for a vendor/contractor?
- The authorized tenant contact must submit a written access request (1-2) Full Business Days in advance to Building Management to allow adequate time for processing.
- Contractors Only: All contractors will be responsible for reading and signing a copy of our Contractor Rules and Regulations which can be found online in the electronic tenant handbook at the following URL: The signed Contractor Rules & Regulations should be submitted to the Building Management Office.
- Contractors Only: Depending on the nature of the work being performed a "scope of work" may be requested for review by Building Management/Engineers.
- Contractors Only: The signed copy of the contractor rules & regulations needs to be delivered via the Angus Work Order System to the Building Management Office before any work can commence.
Note: All vendors need to submit valid and accurate insurance certificates that meet building requirements; attached please find our Watt Plaza Vendor Insurance Requirements for your reference.
Visitor Access
How do I process an after-hours access request for a visitor?
- After-Hours Access Only: The authorized tenant contact must submit a written access request (1-2) Full Business Days in advance to Building Management to allow adequate time for processing.
- After-Hours: Monday- Friday (7:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m.). All Saturdays, Sundays, and Building Observed Holidays are considered "After-Hours".
Leaving the Building After-Hours
To exit the Building 24 hours a day tenants, vendors and visitors may use the 1875 (North Lobby).
Note: Lobby Rotunda Revolving Doors are open at 6:00 a.m. and are locked at 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and remain locked over the weekend and holidays.
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