LEED Platinum
Watt Plaza was awarded the LEED Platinum Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance (EB & OM) Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council in August 2013. It is the first office high-rise building in Century City to achieve this distinction in this particular category. (click here for the LEED Platinum Press Release).
What is LEED?
LEED EB & OM is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the U.S. Green Building Council’s primary rating system for designing and constructing the world’s greenest, most energy efficient and high-performing buildings.
How did Watt Plaza attain its LEED Certification?
The Certification was based on a number of green measures that positively impact the project itself, the broader community and reduce global climate change. Some of the measures include: water conservation, waste recovery, alternative transportation options, energy efficiency measures and an indoor air quality management program.
Where are some of the measures evidenced throughout Watt Plaza?
Alternative Transportation Option: Bicycle Racks located in the parking structure, ridesharing promotion, commuting information (click here for commuting information).
Energy Efficient Measures: Achievement of a consistent, high Energy Star rating (this is a benchmark of energy performance relative to similar building in similar climates) each year since 2004; installation/application of 3M Window Film throughout the building interior (this film rejects up to 79% of the heat that would otherwise filter through the window – which translates into a savings of about one ton of air conditioning for every 100 square feet of glass exposed to sunlight; during colder, winter months the window film works to reflect manmade heat back into the building, reducing heat loss by up to 30%. Indoor Air Quality Management Program at Watt Plaza includes proper maintenance of outdoor air introduction and exhaust systems; a high performance cleaning program consisting of green certified products and equipment; safety guidelines and a periodic green cleaning custodial effectiveness audit, all which enhance the indoor air quality, contributing to the comfort and well-being of the occupants.
Green Cleaning: Purchase of Sustainable Cleaning Products and Materials.
Restrooms: The common area restrooms have low-flow faucets, low-flush toilets, water free urinals, purchase of sustainable paper products.
Trash Disposal: A Waste Management Program averages 67% of all building waste to a materials recovery facility. An E-Waste (Electronic Waste) Program which includes quarterly E-Waste round-ups of computers, monitors, copy machines, etc. (click here for sample flyer).
Interested in learning about the U.S. Green Building Council?
The U.S. Green Building Council is a nonprofit membership organization whose vision is a sustainable built environment within a generation. Its membership includes corporations, builders, universities, government agencies, and other nonprofit organizations. Since USGBC’s founding in 1993, the Council has grown to more than 17,000 member companies and organizations, a comprehensive family of LEED green building rating systems, an expansive educational offering, the industry’s popular Greenbuild International Conference and Expo (www.greenbuildexpo.org), and a network of 78 local chapters, affiliates, and organizing groups. For more information, visit www.usgbc.org.
What measures or projects has Watt Management undertaken to continue to maintain its LEED Certification?
- Researching satellite irrigation controllers that water plant material as needed in accordance with particular weather conditions.
- Investigation with lighting vendors to achieve maximum reduction of Mercury in lamps.
- Continuous Solid Waste Data tracking.
- Compilation of upcoming Occupant Comfort Survey.
- Compilation of upcoming Occupant Lighting Survey.
- Conduct Custodial Effectiveness Audit for 2011.
- Continuous tracking of Sustainable Cleaning Products and Materials.
- Tracking of Sustainable Cleaning Equipment Maintenance and Repair.
- Tracking of Interior and Exterior Pest Management Practices.
- Continual maintenance and improvements of Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan.
- Compilation of an Alternative Commuting Transportation Survey.
- Constant monitoring/tracking of Building Energy Performance.
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