24 Hour Security
Building Security is on-site 24 hours per day / 7 days per week and is provided by Allied Universal Security Services. The primary function of Building Security is to observe and report. Our security officers are friendly & helpful. Building Security works in tandem with Building Management to assist tenants, visitors & vendors; administer & monitor building access; enforce building policies & procedures; monitor 24-Hour CCTV surveillance from our Security Command Center; assist in fire life safety & building emergencies; and conduct building security inspections.
Building Security Desks
Security Desks can be found in three locations: 1875 North Lobby, 1925 South Lobby and Center Lobby. Building Security Officers are instructed not to accept any type of delivery on behalf of tenants for various liability reasons. Belongings such as brief cases, boxes, equipment, etc. are not allowed to be left at the security desks for any reason or unattended by the owner.
Please Note: Security is not authorized to arrange for services such as access; access requests must be submitted via the Angus work order system between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday– Friday for Building Management approval/processing.
Building Security Telephone Numbers
(310) 789-2188
Building Management Office telephones transfer to the 1875 North Lobby security desk after 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday, throughout the weekend, building observed holidays and when the Building Management Office is closed.
Elevator telephones are answered by Building Security; 24 hours per day/ 7 days per week. If the security officer is unable to answer the telephone, due to another emergency they may be handling, the telephone will transfer to the elevator emergency dispatch center.
Please feel free to contact Building Management Office at (310) 789-2179 if you would like to discuss any security issues.
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